

Strategic Business Coaching & Consulting



Running a business can be complicated. Whether you offer a product or service -- you do it well - but just need some direction to help your business operate smoothly and grow organically.  Wirthware can create a customized roadmap to get you there, step by step, day by day. When you work with us, you can expect us to:

  • quickly assess the strengths and weaknesses of your business;
  • help you create a vision, set goals and prioritize them;
  • offer short-term and long-term plans for improvement;
  • use our expertise and resources to support the implementation of those plans; and
  • help you cultivate and leverage internal and external relationships to maximize growth.

We understand people - how they think and how they feel - and what they need to hear to say "yes" to doing business with you.  Sometimes there is a disconnect between you and your audience - and your message gets lost in translation. We make sure you say what you mean - and mean what you say.  Whether you are speaking to your clients, employees, vendors or referral sources, your brand-aligned message will be concise, clear and compassionate.